FYI. Doesn't depend if issue was solved or not - our solution is work around while bug is still present. First of all, to identify all these systems main requirement is to have all these systems (how else you can find symptoms of these systems and test detection code?)
Then, this is kind of tricky task since both AMD and NVIDIA do not provide any standard API ! AMD have some API but it just doesn't work.
And third, OpenSharedResource call must fail else opened resource must work as it should! (even without any API and any additional detection)
Test system: laptop with switchable graphics system - 7660G + 7970M GPUs (driver for both). Windows 8 says there no driver updates. AMD automatic detection tool starts and nothing happens. On this system, all cases works except following. Resource was created on iGPU (power saving) and opened on dGPU (high performance) without errors. But surfaces sharing doesn't work. Opened resource always white.