I am working to get the OpenGl ES1.1 conformance test passing and I am failing the texture test due to what I see as a scaling issue. A two pixel texture is created and then I scale the texture matrix to be 1/4 and then select the texcoord vertices to be {1,1},{3,1},{1,3},{3,3} as GL_BYTES. This should draw both pixel but only the latter pixel is drawn. If I changed the texcorrd vertices to be 0 and 1 instead of 1 and 3, the picture is drawn correctly using both pixels. Its like there is an issue with scaling of the texcoord vertices. I also verified that the texture matrix had the correct values (0.25), I tried changing the texture matrix to be 1/256 and the results were the same, 1 and 3 drew the latter pixel, 0 and 1 drew both pixels. I verified that the texcoord vertices were beign loaded into memory correctly (01010301 01030303).
Has anyone seen an issue like this or know where in the driver/registers the chip would load the texture matrix information or combine it with the texcoord vertices to select the texture pixels? I have gone over the evergreen 3D register document for the last two days but have not found a solution.
This is my first post so let me know if I have to be more specific or if there is more information that is needed. A snippet is attached.