Where can I report developer-type bugs in AMD OpenGL/OpenCL drivers? "AMD Issue Reporting Form" linked from driver download section looks like created to gather feedback from regular users about popular applications and developer issues silently drown there.
Example of two bugs that Catalyst drivers have since 14.9 (early betas and release), but earlier versions (14.4) are fine [OS: Win7x64 SP1, Radeon HD 6950]:
1) When creating OpenGL context in console application from time to time there is massive text spam to console from AMD OpenGL driver that looks like this:
cur_cycle = 6, issue_cycle = -1, ready_cycle = 0
cur_cycle = 7, issue_cycle = -1, ready_cycle = 6
cur_cycle = 8, issue_cycle = -1, ready_cycle = 7
cur_cycle = 9, issue_cycle = -1, ready_cycle = 1
cur_cycle = 2, issue_cycle = -1, ready_cycle = 1
cur_cycle = 3, issue_cycle = -1, ready_cycle = 1
cur_cycle = 4, issue_cycle = -1, ready_cycle = 1
cur_cycle = 1, issue_cycle = -1, ready_cycle = 0
Inspecting atioglxx.dll and atio6axx.dll shows that indeed string "cur_cycle = %d, issue_cycle = %d, ready_cycle = %d" is present there.
2) Texture type GL_SLUMINANCE8 incorrectly works as GL_LUMINANCE8, but there are no problems with GL_SRGB8.
First issue should be trivial to fix, probably second one too, but there they are in 14.9 release despite my reports from early betas. I have several more involved bugs, but not sure is there any chance the report would be read by actual AMD driver developers.