hi Simon,
i modified a little above code, than it can pass.
i've changed:
in VS:
1) float4 & half4 to vec4
GLSL doesn't support float4 & half4
2) add:
uniform vec4 s_transform[3];
3) delete getPosition()
it seems a user-defined function,
and you didn't paste in above code.
4) add version declaration
in FS:
5) add:
out vec4 s_frag_color;
6) add version declaration
that's all.
here i paste the code after my change:
// vertex shader
#version 440 compatibility
in vec4 s_attribute_0;
in vec4 s_attribute_1;
in vec4 s_attribute_2;
uniform vec4 s_transform[3];
out vec3 normalisedFragmentLoc;
void main()
vec4 row_0,row_1,row_2;
row_0 = s_transform[0];
row_1 = s_transform[1];
row_2 = s_transform[2];
vec4 position = vec4(s_attribute_0.x,s_attribute_0.y,s_attribute_2.w,1.0f);
vec4 vertex = vec4(dot(row_0,position),dot(row_1,position),dot(row_2,position),1.0f);
gl_Position = vertex;
normalisedFragmentLoc = s_attribute_1.xyz;
// end of vertex shader
// fragment shader
#version 440 compatibility
in vec3 normalisedFragmentLoc;
uniform sampler2D s_texture_0; // Drill data measurements. Each texel has the position and value of a down hole measurement, and
// each row contains samples positioned within a cell of a regular lattice spanning the volume of interest.
uniform sampler2D s_texture_1; // LUT texture to transform from value to color - should be in a seperate pass so that we render *values* in here not the value to color mapping.
// Set from script based on dataset
uniform vec4 volume_range;
uniform vec4 grid_size;
// User controlled parameters
uniform float idw_range;
uniform float idw_rangeMultiplierZ;
uniform float idw_exponent;
uniform float idw_linearFadeFactor;
uniform float idw_ignoreTopDist;
uniform float apply_mapping;
out vec4 s_frag_color;
struct Accumulator
float m_sumOfWeightedValues;
float m_sumOfWeights;
float GetWeightedAverage(Accumulator acc)
return acc.m_sumOfWeightedValues / acc.m_sumOfWeights;
float worldSpaceDistance(vec3 a, vec3 b)
vec3 v = volume_range.xyz * (a - b);
v.z *= idw_rangeMultiplierZ;
return length( v );
void Gather(in int row, in int rowLength, inout Accumulator acc)
// First two texels represent the bounding box
vec4 minV = texelFetch(s_texture_0,ivec2(0,row),0);
vec4 maxV = texelFetch(s_texture_0,ivec2(1,row),0);
vec3 closePoint = clamp( normalisedFragmentLoc, minV.xyz, maxV.xyz );
if( worldSpaceDistance( normalisedFragmentLoc, closePoint ) < idw_range )
int sampleCount = int(minV.w * rowLength);
for(int i=0;i<sampleCount;i++)
vec4 texel = texelFetch(s_texture_0,ivec2(i+2,row),0);
float d = worldSpaceDistance( normalisedFragmentLoc, texel.xyz );
if( d < idw_range && texel.z < idw_ignoreTopDist )
float weight = 1.0f / pow(d,idw_exponent);
weight *= (1.0f - idw_linearFadeFactor * (d / idw_range));
acc.m_sumOfWeights += weight;
acc.m_sumOfWeightedValues += weight * texel.w;
void main()
ivec2 encodedSize = textureSize(s_texture_0,0);
Accumulator acc = Accumulator(0.0f,0.0f);
// Compensate for sqaushed Z
vec3 radiusNormalised = idw_range / volume_range.xyz;
radiusNormalised.z /= idw_rangeMultiplierZ;
// Index into the lattice
ivec3 maxRange = ivec3(grid_size.xyz) - ivec3(1);
ivec3 minV = clamp( ivec3(floor( (normalisedFragmentLoc - radiusNormalised) * grid_size.xyz )),ivec3(0),maxRange );
ivec3 maxV = clamp( ivec3(floor( (normalisedFragmentLoc + radiusNormalised) * grid_size.xyz )),ivec3(0),maxRange );
// For each cell in range
for(int x=minV.x;x<=maxV.x;x++)
for(int y=minV.y;y<=maxV.y;y++)
for(int z=minV.z;z<=maxV.z;z++)
// Find the row in the texture where all values are encoded for this cell
int index = int(x + y * grid_size.x + z * (grid_size.x * grid_size.y));
// Operate in 2 modes -> either render raw result, or render color mapped result
if( apply_mapping < 1.0f )
if( acc.m_sumOfWeights > 0.0f )
float w = GetWeightedAverage(acc);
s_frag_color = vec4(vec3(w),1);
s_frag_color = vec4(0);
if( acc.m_sumOfWeights > 0.0f )
// Clamp uv to half texel from edge to avoid interpolation / wrapping.
float padding = 0.5f / textureSize(s_texture_1,0).x;
float w = clamp(GetWeightedAverage(acc),padding,1.0f - padding);
s_frag_color = texture(s_texture_1,vec2(w,0),0);
s_frag_color = vec4(0);
// end of fragment shader
please check.